Sync your website to Super Search

To set up your posts, pages and products so that they show in the search you need to sync them to our database.

Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Super Search’ in the side menu.

Select sync in the top tabs on the Super Search dashboard and click each of the buttons shown below.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you do not navigate away from or close the web browser while syncing is taking place.

Once all the sync progress bars have reached 100% your search is ready!

It may take a few minutes once the sync has been completed for the database to index the products and the changes to show on the frontend

You only need to manually run the sync for setup. After this Super Search keeps track of any IDs that have changed and they will be updated on the search database once a day. You can manually re-sync at any time to push changes sooner.